This was teh good. I think something like Leek TV happened to me once... less crotchular explosions please...
This was teh good. I think something like Leek TV happened to me once... less crotchular explosions please...
I promise nothing.
Thanks for the review =)
Yeah that's great. Good for you.
This is a review.
I liked it. Great flash movie about flash movies. Enjoyed inside tween joke as LF moved across the stage. Really wish anything but horrible toads had sang that wretched song though... leading up to the troubles of Snake's head. The rest of the movie makes up for those though. I noticed that everything was by you... so both voices in your "Studio" were you? Whoa... you were arguing with yourself... that hurts my head.
Delicious and refreshing!
This-a was a very good-a movie. I just really think we can do without the Italian puns. (None of us actually question something in the name of spaghetti...) Funny, well-written, and a good length, but I wish someone would bring back the classic voices of Mario and Luigi into their flash. (The Super Show voices.)
The One review...
Blah ha ha ha ha ha! Wonderful (conclusion?) to the series! And exporting Boe as your tween slave was a good idea, too! What can I say, Melkor is everyone's roomate... in the University of firey DOOM!!!!!!!
This is why you're my top artist.
The remake was definately funnier and the behind-the-rings look at the movie was funny, too. Your frustration at flash was remarkably similar to my own... the only violance was the spontainious combustion of the Ring Wraith so I gave you an 8 on that. By the by... are there more ORTRTAs coming?
I laughed so hard I split into 3 people.
Extremely funny flash, mostly due to One Ring nostalgia. (Billy) That narrator never fails to crack me up, not to mention the relative idiocy of Cloud. And Tifa... hmmmmm naughty thoughts!
Good flash mmmyes.
I've always enjoyed the inexplicable instant comedy that is pie, and to put Ark upon its mysteries was pure genius. I liked this flash because it focuses on Ark and his seeellllf controoooool before moving on to focus on Kerrigan in Kerri's Big Invention. Excelent character development for him. His later finger trap incident made perfect sense due to the hilarity of this flash. 9 Pies out of 10.
Remember remember the 5th of November by watching V for Vindetta right now! You read that correctly!
Age 37, Male
Level 3 Mystic Nerd
Somewhere in the Pleiades
Joined on 7/21/06